Our Services
DAS Charity offers scholarships for children with a medical diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, that would benefit from therapy otherwise not covered by insurance or that would create a financial burden for a family to provide. Our goal is that families do not sacrifice treatment that can enable children with ASD to reach their fullest functional potential.
We also wish to create awareness by helping individuals with a bachelor’s degree achieve their graduate degrees, in fields that would benefit those with ASD. Such as:
- Art Therapist
- Music Therapist
- Counselor
- Sleep Specials
- Clinical Psychology
- Mental Health Nursing
- Psychiatrist
- ABA therapy
- Social Worker
- Family Therapist
- Case Managers
- Nutritionist
- Physical Therapist
- Physical Education
- Occupational Therapist
- Speech Therapist
“Am not impressed by how much time people spend at church, chairs are their all the time, that doesn’t make them any godlier.”
Our services include
If you wish to apply for financial assistance for treatment, please complete the application, and email us a letter letting us know who you are and why you would like to apply. We will also need a letter of recommendation from a medical professional stating the benefits of the treatment.
If you wish to apply for a scholarship to further your education in one of the related fields above, please email us requesting an application. With the submission of your completed application, you will need to include an essay as to why you should be considered. We also require two letters of recommendation from professors or other professionals.

Get Support
If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please reach out to us. Our dedicated team is here to help you navigate the challenges you face and provide the support you need to thrive.